Team DPW
Team DPW
In the eyes of our youth… Here at Team DPW, founded in 2006, we encourage the idea of teamwork in a competition.
We paddle together as one, pushing forward with our strength and willpower. When we, Patricia and Jia, were younger, we paddled at Long Beach just to hang out and eat breakfast with our dads. As we proceeded to mature in age, we began to come to practice, at Santa Fe Dam, for our passion for the sport. We are taught to become independent leaders who are respectful and bold, including the adults. At practice, we tend to have a lot of fun with team members with hilarious antics, such as dunking them into the water when it’s their birthday. In our team, we have different divisions, including a junior team. Although there are separate age groups, this does not divide the adults and the kids when it comes to having fun. Our whole team is like a family where we spend time not only at practice, but at parties and gatherings as well. The team consists of diverse groups of people, but we remain in unity. The immutable strive and determination led us to the World Championships in Hungary. Both of us are very eager and enthusiastic about the trip, for we have never been to Europe before. Team DPW is always open to finding new members to join and paddle hard in our team. - Patricia and Jia
On any given day, you might find us traveling the world, pushing Rose Parade floats, or paddling at our beautiful facility at Santa Fe Dam Regional Park. Please visit us at
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