Hírek - Archívum
Vienna Police Dragons
This year the Vienna Police Sport Association will be 100 years old. The home of our club is in the most beautiful part of Vienna at the Old Danube in the 22nd district.
TovábbNorthwind Dragon Boat Team
Northwind is comprised of self-motivated athletes that came together in 2015 with the mentality to inspire more competition across San Francisco, California where we are based
TovábbCSDC (Evolution/Wahine/Ohana)
We are based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We were founded after the 2003 World Championships in Poznan, Poland.
TovábbGerman Dragons
German Dragons Singapore (GDS) was founded in 1998 as an amateur dragon boat team whose members come from all walks of life including expats and locals; professionals, interns and students. With many of our members coming from overseas, GDS are like a second family away from home because, not only do we train hard together, we have fun together.
TovábbTöbb mint 700 magyar versenyző áll rajhoz a sárkányhajózás legnagyobb versenyén, Szegeden
Már csak két hét és elrajtol az év legnagyobb magyarországi sporteseménye a 11. IDBF Klub Legénység Sárkányhajó Világbajnokság.
TovábbSubsonix Dragon Boat Club
Subsonix Dragon Boat Club is located in Adelaide, South Australia. We are comprised of men, women and students of varying ages and experience.
TovábbDutch Dragons
The Dutch Dragons was founded in 1991 as a continuance of the so-called Osaka team which reached the dragonboat finals in Osaka, Japan after an ultra short preparation time of only 6 weeks!
TovábbDracia Legia Trencin
Our club was established in 2008 as the first Slovak dragon boat club crew. The base of our club comes from TTS Trenčín canoe team.
TovábbNowra Waterdragons
First formed in November 2005, Nowra Waterdragons gathers members from a wide variety of backgrounds, ages and fitness levels.
TovábbSimi 2025
A Magyar Sárkányhajó Szövetség sportolói 2025. július 15 - 20 között Brandenburg an der Havel - Németországban a 17. IDBF Sárkányhajó Világbajnokságon, 2025. szeptember 4 - 7. között Belgrád - Szerbiában a 20.EDBF Sárkányhajó Európa - bajnokságon versenyeznek. Simi 2025-ben ismét útra kell, hogy elkísérje, segítse a magyar sportolókat a világversenyeken.
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